Copier Buying Tips
Buying or leasing a copier can be an expensive venture. Copiers are complex machines and if you don’t have a few things in mind you might end up spending a lot more money than you need to for a great copier.
Make sure to have a good idea about what kind of features you need before you bull the trigger. There are a lot of different kinds of brands and types of copiers on the market and each one comes with their own unique set of features. Make sure you only buy a copier with the features you will use or you will end up spending way too much money.
Make sure you take into account how much consumable things like paper, toner and parts will cost for your particular copier. Also have a good idea about what repairs and maintenance will cost to keep your copier running.
Color is an option but you don’t have to spend the money on it if you don’t need it. Consider how much color copies your business will use and then make your decision based on that – don’t just assume you will need color.
If you would like to work with a great copier company in the Jacksonville area, give us a call at (904) 207-7078 and we’d love to help you with the buying process.